It is a well-known fact that fertility is promoted by good nutrition for both men and women. But unfortunately, most men do not think about sperm health or are embarrassed to discuss it, so the impact of nutrition on producing a healthy sperm is a discussion even further away from our collective .

  • Sperm health – its quality, concentration, motility, and morphology (meaning its shape or structure) is determined by several factors. Do nutritional choices have any role to play in it, and if yes, what should we consciously include and exclude from our daily diet? .
  • There is strong evidence that sperm is affected by our choice of what we consume and our lifestyle. Therefore, there is a wide variety of food, that, when included in the diet, can improve sperm count.

Foods To Increase Male Fertility

Vegetables and Fruits: Rich in Antioxidants, Vitamin C, E, and Folate

Fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants (such as Cranberries and Collard Greens) protect sperm from cellular damage and maintain their strength and motility during fertilization. .
Green leafy vegetables and beans contain Folate – a variant of Vitamin B with antioxidant properties. Its intake helps keep the sperm free of chromosomal abnormalities.

Vitamins E and C also positively impact sperm count and motility. Foods with Vitamin E include avocados, mangoes, spinach, and broccoli; while foods with high levels of vitamin C include oranges, asparagus, pomegranates, tomatoes, and grapefruit. A great way to get all the vitamins and folate you need is to add sweet potatoes to your diet.

Fatty Fish: Rich in Omega 3

Salmon, Herring, Sardines, and Anchovies have Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the structure and formation of sperm cells. Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acids increase sperm motility, morphology, and count. Alternatively, Salmon and Sardines are also rich in Vitamin B12, Arginine, and Aspartic Acid, which have been proven to improve sperm count and motility.

Nuts: Rich in Omega 3, B6, Folate, Antioxidants, and Zinc

Nuts may improve sperm quality and function, particularly Walnuts, which are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc, and Antioxidants. Additionally, it contains Folate and Vitamin B6 – the deficiency of which can adversely impact sperm health and quality. Moreover, Folate and Vitamin B6 deficiency can also lead to poor sperm replication, causing other complications. Besides Walnuts, other nuts that can help remedy such deficiencies are Almonds, Pecans, Pinenuts, and Hazelnuts.

Seeds: Rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin E

Pumpkin seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Zinc, which may improve the quality of your sperm. Flaxseed, Chia seeds, and Sunflower seeds are all good sources of Omega-3 while also containing Vitamin E and other antioxidants that help improve sperm motility and volume.

Oysters: Rich in Vitamin B12, Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamin D

Oysters are a great source of Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Selenium. This combination of high zinc content and vitamins makes oysters ideal for increasing sperm count and motility. Since vitamin B12 is essential to sperm development, especially DNA synthesis, it is only natural that it enhances sperm DNA integrity as well.

Besides, Vitamin D has a strong association with fertility. Low levels are likely to correlate with poor semen quality since they influence hormone production and sperm development directly. On the other hand, a high level of vitamin D directly relates to improved sperm and testis quality. In addition to vitamins B12 and D, oysters also contain significant amounts of selenium, which is beneficial for male fertility.

Beef: Rich in Zinc, Vitamin B 12, and Selenium

Various nutrients contribute to healthy count and motility, including Zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, and others. Beef is a good source of all these nutrients. For example, Zinc is abundant in Beef, which improves many aspects of male fertility, including sperm count, motility, and morphology. sperm

Garlic: Best Food to Increase Sperm Count

The antioxidant properties of garlic make it an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients, and its use can enhance testosterone levels and sperm production in males. In addition, it may also prevent chemotherapy-related damage to sperm production and testosterone levels.

Food That Negatively Impacts Male Fertility

Certain foods are detrimental to sperm count and motility. Here is a list of foods you should try and avoid to promote sperm health.

Processed Meat

Consumption of processed meat harms sperm morphology. Processed meat refers to all meat that is modified from its original forms, like Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Corned Beef, and Beef Jerky. Despite their deliciousness, these foods will not help you achieve the best fertility results.

Trans Fat

The food industry has long used trans fats for their extended shelf life, but scientific reports suggest that trans fats are associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors. A recent study also found that sperm with the highest levels of trans-fatty acids were associated with lower sperm concentrations.

Soy Protein

Soy can be a healthy food for many, but for men experiencing fertility problems, it may be best to avoid it. An analysis of soy-based foods shows that men who consume soy have the lowest sperm counts. Experiments have also shown soybeans to be loaded with isoflavones, which can cause reproductive damage.

Bisphenol a (BPA) and Pesticides

These are probably the scariest on this list because they are not foods, but they still end up in our diet as they are used abundantly and with minimal regulation. Pesticides are found in vegetables and fruits, but tainted water supplies cause them to end up in meat and fish. BPA is also an acute problem; it is found in most food packaging and cans, slowly contaminating the contents of the can. Both pesticides and BPA have proven to affect male fertility negatively, given the chemicals contained in both being harmful to the reproductive system.


Male fertility is well known to be impacted by their consuming foods. Eating specific foods that increase sperm count, motility, and overall sperm health is an easy way to improve fertility and the overall likelihood of achieving parenthood. Small changes in diet choices can have a significant impact in this direction.


  1. What affects sperm count?
    An increased body mass index (BMI) directly links to a decreasing sperm count and sperm motility. Eating a healthy diet is therefore recommended.
  2. What are the foods that increase sperm volume?
    Consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables and beans (legumes), can help men produce more sperm and better sperm motility.
  3. How to eat eggs to increase sperm count?
    Eating soft-boiled eggs instead of fried ones will help your body produce better-quality sperm by acquiring the essential amino acids.
  4. What are the fruits that increase sperm count?
    Guavas, Bell Peppers, Bananas, Blueberries, and Avocados are the best fruits to improve male fertility.