What Are the Causes of Decreased Fertility with Age?

It’s important to understand the causes that lead to a link between age and fertility. Here are the causes of decreased fertility with age for both males and females:

Male Infertility:

The main reason for male infertility is problems with sperm.

  • Men who have problems ejaculating may find it difficult to discharge semen during sexual intercourse.
  • An unusually low level of testosterone, the male sex hormone necessary for the production of sperm, is known as hypogonadism.
  • A reproductive tract impediment that makes it difficult to expel semen. It is possible for the ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles, two tubes that carry semen, to block. Blockages are often caused by injuries or diseases of the genital tract.
  • Physical anomalies such as a blockage in the testicles, certain genetic illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, sexual ailments such as early ejaculation, or damage or injury to the reproductive organs can all lead to these issues.

Female Infertility:


Things that can make it hard for women to achieve pregnancy include:

  1. Poor egg quality
  2. Problems with the vagina, uterus, or fallopian tubes
  3. Uterine fibroids or polyps, adenomyosis
  4. Past surgeries like getting tubes tied
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  6. Endometriosis
  7. Genetic or chromosomal disorders
  8. Irregular or absent periods
  9. Autoimmune situations
  10. Issues with certain glands in the brain
  11. Kidney diseases
  12. Sickle cell anemia

Procedures for Diagnosing Fertility

Let’s check out how to diagnose fertility in men and women:

Tests for Women:

  1. Test for Thyroid Function: If your medical team believes that a thyroid issue might be the cause of your infertility, they can order this blood test. Issues with conception may be caused by the gland producing too little or too much thyroid hormone.
  2. Testing for Ovulation: Hormone levels are measured by a blood test to determine whether or not you are ovulating.
  3. Testing of the Ovarian Reserve: This makes it easier for the medical staff to calculate your ovulation egg count. The initial stage in the process is often hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle.
  4. Imaging Tests: Pelvic ultrasound scans for ovaries or uterine disorders. Uterine and fallopian tube diseases are detected by ultrasonography. Sometimes, an in-depth view of the uterus’ interior that is not possible with a standard ultrasound is obtained through a hysterosonography.

Other hormone testing measures the hormone levels regulating ovulation. Additionally, they assess pituitary hormones, which regulate several aspects of childbearing.

Tests for Men:

  1. Hormone Analysis: A blood test may be performed to measure your levels of testosterone and other male hormones.
  2. Evaluation of Semen: Your medical staff may request one or more samples of your semen. A lab will then examine your semen sample. Urine samples may occasionally be examined to determine whether sperm are present.
  3. Genetic examination: This could be done to determine whether infertility is caused by a genetic abnormality.

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As people get older, the link between age and fertility becomes more evident. This means the ability to have children decreases as you age. This goes for both men and women, but it affects women more than men. Women are more affected by age when it comes to having babies. They can technically get pregnant anytime after they start having periods, generally in the adolescent years. However, a woman’s capacity to conceive naturally is not necessarily guaranteed and significantly declines with age. As people age, fertility declines for both men and women. While women’s biological clocks appear to run more than men’s, males also experience a loss in fertility as they age.