What Is Premenstrual Syndrome?

The changes that you experience during the time before periods are both emotional and physical. The symptoms that you go through during this time are together known as PMS. For instance, you could be very anxious, or you could have severe headaches. The symptoms seem quite different when you hear them, but the problem that’s causing them is the same. The symptoms can be extreme sometimes, while during some months, you wouldn’t even notice them. Your physical, mental, and reproductive health influences these symptoms. Some people believe that PMS is not a real thing. But do keep in mind that this is a real syndrome. It can affect your normal life if you don’t acknowledge it.

What Are the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome?

According to the data on the National Library of Medicine website, 47.8% of women around the world who are of reproductive age suffer from this syndrome. Here are the most commonly seen symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome.

Mental symptoms of Pre-menstrual Syndrome

  • Mood swings
  • Increased food cravings
  • Difficulty in focusing
  • Difficulty in remembering information
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Lower sex drive than usual
  • Irritability

Physical symptoms of Pre-menstrual Syndrome

  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Pain in stomach
  • Greasiness of hair
  • Changed appetite.

As we said earlier, the severity of these symptoms is different for everyone. These symptoms also affect your overall life. For example, your PMS will trouble you more if you are already stressed and have a personal history or a family history of depression.

Make sure you track your PMS symptoms every month. You can write down notes in your calendar or on your phone. It will help you find ways to reduce your PMS symptoms. For example, you may notice that you get more anxious during PMS if you are stressed due to work. You can engage in meditation, dance, painting, or other relaxing activities to reduce this possibility next month.

What Are the Causes of Premenstrual Syndrome?

Scientists have not been able to pinpoint the exact causes of premenstrual syndrome. However, research says that changes in the levels of your hormones cause it. During the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle, the hormones fluctuate more than usual, and you experience PMS. Factors like your mental health, your lifestyle, your health, and chemical changes in your brain can also affect your PMS symptoms.

Premenstrual Syndrome Treatment Options

Now that you know about PMS, you can be aware of the symptoms and take care of yourself during this period. Premenstrual syndrome treatment mostly consists of some ways to reduce the severity of your symptoms. As the causes of premenstrual syndrome are not clearly known, there are no medications or treatments for the issue itself.

Here’s what you can do to reduce the severity of your PMS symptoms.

  • Medicines: You can take over-the-counter medicines to treat your stomach cramps or headaches.
  • Diet and exercise: You can overcome these symptoms by making body habit changes. Include some physical activity in your day, and bear in mind that you need to have healthy, well-balanced meals.
  • Stress relief- Regarding severe stress, give yoga and meditation a try.
  • Sleep: See to it that you are getting enough sleep every night, usually seven to eight hours. A good sleep cycle and general well-being are both a must.

Summing Up

PMS is not something to be frightened of, but it should not be overlooked as well. It is, indeed, an issue that can affect your life if not taken care of. The premenstrual syndrome treatment requires staying in good physical and psychological condition. By exercising and eating healthy, you can stop PMS from affecting your life.