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Vitamin D Deficiency and Infertility

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency refers to the condition when the body does not have enough vitamin D to stay healthy. Vitamin D present in the body helps to absorb calcium which is the primary building block of bone. It also plays an important role in the nervous, muscle, and immune systems.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Most people have no symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. However, people with severe vitamin D deficiency may experience pain and weakness in the bones, and frequent infections.

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency?

Moderate sun exposure helps to get the optimum vitamin D levels. The amount of vitamin D a person receives from sun exposure depends on certain factors, and they are:

  • Time of the day.
  • Skin color (Pale skins make vitamin D quickly compared to darker skins).
  • The amount of the skin exposed to the sun.

Apart from this, vitamin D is available only in limited natural sources. They include fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel, beef liver, cheese, mushrooms, egg yolks, etc. Therefore, many foods are fortified with vitamin D. For example, dairy products, orange juice, breakfast cereals, and infant formula.

What is the role of vitamin D in influencing the chance of pregnancy?

Vitamin D is an emerging factor that influences fertility. According to the studies, lack of vitamin D often reduces the pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF. The study also showed that adequate vitamin D levels result in good quality egg production and successful embryo implantation than in vitamin D deficient women. The ovarian reserve is significantly lower in women who are deficient in vitamin D.

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  1. Q. How is vitamin D deficiency linked to infertility?

    Vitamin D deficiency can cause the following problems:

    • Disrupt hormonal balance.
    • Impair ovarian function.
    • Increase inflammation and immune dysfunction.
    • Lead to insulin resistance.
    • Decrease endometrial receptivity.

    These factors can negatively impact fertility by disrupting ovulation, reducing egg quality, and affecting the implantation of embryos.

  2. Q. Does D deficiency impact female fertility?

    Yes. Abnormally low vitamin D levels in females are linked to menstrual irregularities, decreased ovarian reserve, reduced success rates of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), and an increased risk of pregnancy complications.

  3. Q. Does vitamin D deficiency affect male fertility?

    Males with vitamin D deficiency have low-quality sperm, abnormally lower sperm count, and decreased sperm motility.

  4. Q. How to treat infertility linked to vitamin D deficiency?

    You can consume foods rich in vitamin D. Foods such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, eggs, and mushrooms are vitamin D-rich. Additional supplements may be needed to rectify the deficiency.

  5. Q. What’s an ideal vitamin D level for fertility?

    Several studies have found that vitamin D blood levels of 30 ng/mL or higher are associated with higher pregnancy rates. Most experts consider 30ng/ml a good vitamin D level for fertility.