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Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI).

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) refers to the process of artificial insemination which helps to treat infertility.

How is IUI done?

In this process, washed and prepared sperms are injected into the woman’s uterus through the cervix during the menstrual cycle. IUI can be carried out in natural cycles or in controlled ones where a woman’s ovary is stimulated to produce a few oocytes instead of one or two in the natural cycle. The procedure is totally painless.

The timing of IUI is crucial. Hence, the growth of the follicles is monitored by ultrasound to avoid the risk of multiple pregnancies and to determine the right time for the IUI. Once the follicle(s) have reached the correct size, hCG is injected to trigger ovulation. This trigger shot allows the egg(s) to mature in the follicle(s) get them ready for release 36 hours later. The IUI should be scheduled 24 – 36 hours later.

When is IUI recommended?

Generally, IUI is recommended when

  • The male’s semen sample is slightly below the normal range
  • A couple unable to have intercourse even after psycho-sexual counseling
  • A couple experience unexplained infertility
  • Women go through ovulation problems or mild endometriosis
  • Abnormalities in the cervix
  • The male has a problem with sperm delivery due to various reasons

If there is no pregnancy after three insemination treatments, further IUI-treatments are not recommended.

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