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About Us


About Us

ART Fertility Clinics was started as an extension of IVI RMA Global in 2015 under the brand name IVI Middle East. In Jan 2020, IVI RMA divested its ownership to Gulf Capital and the entity was rechristened as ART Fertility Clinics. Since its inception, ART Fertility Clinics has been led by Mr. Suresh Soni, Chief Executive Officer, and Prof. Dr. Human Fatemi, Group Medical Director.

In the past six years, ART Fertility Clinics has established Clinics in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and become the leading institute for Human Reproductive Medicine in the Middle East. As part of the global expansion initiative mandated by Gulf Capital, ART Fertility has expanded its presence in India, commencing operations in six clinics across India in 2021. ART Fertility Clinics will be announcing the launch of several clinics in Europe and Asia during the second half of 2023.

Mission & Values

Our vision

To deliver the best human reproductive medicine services in the world to address the needs of our patients; Stimulating research amongst our physicians, geneticin’s and embryologists so that we can deliver their translational research into the latest treatments; teaching and training all of our staff to achieve the highest levels of professional excellence in customer care.

Our mission

To become the Global Reference standard for clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, research, and teaching in the field of Human Reproduction and Genetics.

Our values

Strive to go the extra mile for our patients. Eagerness to be the best in the field of Human Reproduction. Curiosity to learn and improve our services. Freedom for our staff to take initiatives and to innovate. Provide Customer Delight and Appreciation of our services.

Our Messages


ART Fertility Clinics was launched in early 2015 in collaboration with IVI RMA Global with the goal of becoming the leader in Human Reproductive Medicine in the GCC. With a focus on original research and publications, ART Fertility Clinics has become an international referral center for patients seeking advanced treatments, especially after multiple failed cycles using their own eggs. Having established itself as the thought leader in the GCC with clinics in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Al Ain, ART Fertility Clinics is now embarking on the next chapter of its growth in partnership with Gulf Capital as an independent provider of Fertility treatments. The new chapter of ART Fertility Clinics will see the implementation of an ambitious two-year rollout of 25 new clinics across India, Europe, and southeast Asia.

Our stakeholders share a common vision: ‘Cogito, Ergo Sum…. I think, therefore, I am. The cornerstone of our success is good science and technology, which translates into the best medical outcomes for our patients. ART Fertility Clinics has the highest success rates globally with a 71% Pregnancy rate; 1.3 Embryos per transfer, with their own oocytes and sperm. We shall continue to deliver the best treatments and services to our patients so that they receive the best value for their money.

We have world-renowned IVF specialists and embryologists working in state-of-the-art facilities to deploy the most advanced infrastructure and technologies. ART Fertility clinics has its own state-of-the-art genetic lab that utilizes the latest NGS system. Having achieved over 5000 + pregnancies in less than nine years, our success is driven by the scientific and personalized approach of highly skilled physicians, embryologists, and our support medical and management team.

ART Fertility Clinics is built around our patients’ needs and satisfaction. Our 5 Pillars that embody our ethos and spirit of “Science Assisting Nature” are Compassionate Care, Patient Satisfaction & Safety, Clinical Excellence that delivers the Highest Success Rates; The use of the Most Advanced Technology and Infrastructure; Science and Innovation while adhering to the Highest Ethical Standards & Transparency.


Global CEO


At ART Fertility clinics, our goal and passion are to help couples suffering from infertility to become parents

Reproduction and fertility are central to the survival of our species and reflect mankind’s preoccupation with both conception and infertility. Having a family is the basic desire of all couples. However, the path to parenthood can be challenging for up to 15-20 % of couples. With increasing awareness, the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has become acceptable globally. At ART Fertility clinics, our goal and passion are to help couples suffering from infertility to become parents.

The field of Reproductive Medicine is very young as compared to other fields of medicine. The first IVF baby, Louise Joy Brown was born on 25 July 1978, reflecting that our knowledge on human ART is only forty-three years. Over the past four decades, we have gained significant scientific knowledge and experience in the field of human reproduction. As a result, the chances for couples to become parents have improved considerably. The cornerstone for these scientific advances and continuous improvement in pregnancy rates is conducting basic and clinical translational research. At ART Fertility Clinics, the foundation of our clinical practice is the proprietary research undertaken by all of our physicians. This translational research underpins our clinical excellence and makes us world leaders in the field of human reproduction. All our clinical practices are based upon evidence-based medicine.

Since 2015, ART Fertility Clinics has established itself as one of the global thought leaders. In the Middle East, we undertook studies to understand the root cause of infertility and how it differs from western countries. These studies were groundbreaking and established empirically the role of socio-cultural factors including parental consanguinity, lifestyle and cultural mores that lead to severe vitamin D deficiency and obesity, extremely high rate of cesarian sections as the leading causes of infertility. Our clinical team was the first medical group ever to link parental consanguinity with depleted ovarian reserves in their offspring. These studies elucidating the role of parental consanguinity and Vitamin D deficiency being primary causes of infertility in the Middle East have been published in leading high-impact international journals.

Infertility treatments can be highly successful when there is a synergistic collaboration between physicians, nursing staff, and embryologists. At ART Fertility Clinics, we put a great value on teamwork and working collaborative manner. This includes daily meetings between the various departments to review patient history and treatment plans. Our Medical team includes several ESHRE recognized subspecialists. The ESHRE training program has a holistic approach, i.e., diagnosing & treating the couple, including treating male and female infertility under one roof and by the same physician. Our in-house Genetic laboratory using the latest NGS system provides comprehensive genetic testing capabilities. This all-encompassing approach provides the basis of an all-around understanding of our patients’ issues and delivering a personalized treatment plan for all our patients.

In summary, at ART Fertility Clinics, we provide our patients with the latest medical technology, infrastructure, and thought leadership as manifested by our prolific research and publications. Our goal and focus are to help our patients fulfill their dream of achieving parenthood.


Group Medical Director

Management Team

Suresh Soni
Suresh Soni
Global CEO, ART Fertility Clinics
Prof. Dr. Human M. Fatemi
Prof. Dr. Human M. Fatemi
Group Medical Director, ART Fertility Clinics
Dr. Laura Melado
Dr. Laura Melado
Medical Director – Abu Dhabi
Dr. Carol Coughlan
Dr. Carol Coughlan
Medical Director - Dubai
Ibrahim Elkhatib
Ibrahim Elkhatib
Group Director – Embryology
Prof. Dr. Barbara Lawrenz
Prof. Dr. Barbara Lawrenz
Senior IVF Consultant & Scientific Director
Prof. Luca Gianaroli
Prof. Luca Gianaroli
Specialist in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Araz Raberi
Dr. Araz Raberi
Group Genomics Director